Staff Writer

Staff Writer

Meet our dedicated Staff Writer, who brings a passion for music and expert knowledge to every article. They specialize in crafting engaging and informative content that resonates with music teachers and guitar enthusiasts alike, offering insights into the latest trends, tips, and products in the instrument storage world.

Saxophone Storage Tips

Saxophone Storage Tips

Brass may be metal but it is a soft metal, and dings, dents, and other seemingly minor damage to your saxophone will not seem so minor when it affects the tone and results in expensive repair. Always store your instrument in its case (one that is dedicated to carry a sax) to avoid having it… Continue Reading Saxophone Storage Tips

Trumpet Storage Tips

Trumpet Storage Tips

If you’ve ever inherited or bought a used trumpet that wasn’t properly cared for before it was stored and given up, you know how important it is to do it right. Maintenance and restoration after the fact is much harder than caring for it correctly before storage. Cleaning To get your instrument ready for storage,… Continue Reading Trumpet Storage Tips

Double Bass Care Tips

Double Bass Care Tips

Be good to your bass and she’ll be good to you. Follow these tips to keep it in good form for years to come: Store the bow under the E string but never the F hole – it eats the bow hairs. Place the bass in a secure position and location when not in use… Continue Reading Double Bass Care Tips

Cello Storage Tips

Cello Tips

Being a delicate instrument, it’s important that your cello is stored well even whether you’re leaving it for a minute or a decade. When you need to temporarily set it aside, don’t lean it up against a chair or wall – push the endpin back in and set the instrument on its side close to… Continue Reading Cello Storage Tips

Cello Cleaning Tips

Cello Tips

Your cello should be dusted once a week and before and after every performance. Do not ever use soap, alcohol, soaking wet water, or furniture polish to clean or polish your cello. Let roommates and family members know that you alone are to clean your instrument. When your cello becomes sticky with rosin, it’s time… Continue Reading Cello Cleaning Tips

Violin Care and Maintenance Tips

Violin Care and Maintenance Tips

The violin is a sensitive and delicately put-together instrument that needs to be handled with love and care to maintain beauty, structure, and sound. If you give it the proper care and attention it will play beautiful music for years, even centuries, to come. Storage Tips: Always keep your violin in its case when not… Continue Reading Violin Care and Maintenance Tips

Violin Storage Tips

Violin Storage Tips

The violin is a sensitive instrument that must be stored in a way that protects it from cracking or other damage. Follow these tips to ensure your instrument is safely stored: Keep it in a climate-controlled room set to a constant temperature and moderate humidity. In dry rooms, place a few well-watered houseplants, or even… Continue Reading Violin Storage Tips